DWC is multinational firm specializing in Engineering Services, Major Construction, Corporate Consulting Services, Logistics and Material Support.


DWC was established in 2009 with a charter to provide high quality engineering and construction services to both Government and private sector construction projects.


The DWC management team has a vast amount of experience in commercial and government projects. Leveraging the superior technical and management expertise of our team, the company has further diversified operations into the oil and military sectors as well as multi-functional logistics and corporate consulting.


At the company's core is a dedicated team of skilled employees committed to providing total quality and high value products and services. This commitment ensures successful project completion and customer satisfaction. Delivering quality projects on time and within budget is the cornerstone on which DWC builds its reputation.


The valuable knowledge gained from our team of experienced staff in working within the demanding oil and military sectors has enabled us to refine our processes to meet the stringent safety and quality requirements for these demanding sectors. Understanding the nature of these industries has provided us the tools we require to diversify in to other sectors.


Our expert engineering, construction, consulting and logistics services team stands ready to provide the highest quality service to any project whether commercial or government and any level of complexity.